Heartland Tales & Tunes

Sunday, Feb 18th, 2024 2 pm to 2:30 pm "Heartland Tales & Tunes" by the Fireplace   Come out to Deer Springs Winery and enjoy the fun of "Heartland Tales & Tunes". This will be a unique 30 minute show weaving fascinating local and regional historical tidbits and a song or two of the era and […]

Heartland Tales & Tunes!

Sunday March 10, 2024 2 pm - Deer Springs Winery (Celebrate or Curse Daylight Savings!) After entertaining audiences solo as B-Cubed Music (2016-2023), as part of the duos Whoozon1st Band (2011-2016), and Wee Brazen Hussies (2004-2011), a diagnosis of a bad back and neck led to the decision to end B-Cubed, and thus was born […]